Wednesday 15 June 2011

Onion Skin Workshop

In this session we are looking into the art of natural dyeing using a water vat and heat system method.

We use 2 stoves for the heat source with 2 groups of 4 sharing the stoves. We use yellow dyes from onion skins and tannin from gall apples. The cotton fabric has previously had a mordant applied to ensure the strongest colour possible is obtained from the dyes.

Once the vats have been set up and the onion skins are boiling, a colour change can be observed when the water turns from clear to a brown or darker colour. This tells us the fabric is ready to be put in.

We then immerse the fabric under the water, all the fabric must go in to soak up the dye. Leave in for 15 minutes or until the required shade is reached.

In the mean time we are discussing dyes, the onion skins, why they yield dye and where else they have used or seen onions being used.

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