Thursday 21 July 2011

The Final Workshop

To end the 9 week project we were lucky to have a special guest from Duchy College to discuss and share her knowledge. Ann is a Botanist, a person who studies plants in great detail, often using microscopes to look very closely at them and see how plants are made and how healthy they are.

We were taught how to make pollen: this was done by using pollen from the Lily flower, placing the pollen in a Petri dish and adding sugar water.

We then had a look at all the fresh flowers, seeds, plants and greenery to see if we could label and name their specific parts.

Then, using microscopes, some of us for the first time ever, we had the opportunity to dissect or to take the plant apart and study its organs under a microscope.

We then went back to look at the pollen under a digital microscope to see if we had created pollen, the results showed that we had and our experiment was a success.

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